Friday, July 9, 2010

So much in the works....

Oh boy. 2010 has been a very busy year for me musically. This August will Mark two years since Prawdukt was released. It is still going pretty strong. Still new to some markets. I have been really busy working on these other projects. Here is a list of current projects and projects on the Que:

Soul the Interrogator "Impervious"*
JPS "Weaponry EP"*
Soul the Interrogator & DJ Peg "Graffiti Post Mix Tape VOL I"*
Soul the Interrogator "Prawdukt: Spare Change EP"#
Soul the Interrogator "Leviathan EP"#
JPS (Untitled full length album)0
Mysterium Media Group Compilation Album#
Soul Dog "Project Nomad EP" (1994 re-release)0
Soul the Interrogator "Beyond All Meanz: Reload"0

* Means they are actively being worked on or have been completed
# Means they are not Active but work has been done on it
0 Means there has been no work on it at all (Project Nomad was released in 94, but I have to take the A DATS to another studio for mixing and mastering.)

I also have been talking to RC tha Traqaholic about the possibility of releasing a Tribute album for One of the OG producers in Seattle (Sickity Sick) Sam Stephens, who passed a few years ago. He was the one who gave me, and allot of other rappers/producers their start in local hip hop. I feel that not enough was done to have people remember his legacy. Hopefully something good will come out of that.

I have been inviting allot of artists to be a part of the compilation album that I am putting out Via MMG. Unfortunately, Not allot of artists are biting. If it doesn't pick up then I fear it will be scrapped.

My group JPS has just "Officially" released "Weaponry EP" on itunes and a gazillion other digital stores globally. JPS has  had much favor as of late. Lot of shows. Lot of Sales. God has been good to us. Tomorrow is the ITM music awards show where we have been Nominated for "Best New Group" and "Best Hip Hop Group" Keeping fingers crossed, but even if we don't win we are performers for the night as well... It should be an excellent time. Just to be nominated is an honor.

Anyway, I'll holler later. I am going to Neemas Album release party tonight. Good times..

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Recording session

Feel's good to jump back in the booth. I haven't been really recording in a few months. I completed the JPS EP in April/May and I recorded a verse for someone's album but that is about it. I have put 0 effort into my latest album "Impervious". I also lost my job last month so I haven't had the dough to be recording. BUT.... alas, I am here at the Mysterium Studios in Edmonds bout to lay down some tracks.

I have had some mad frustrations personally and professionally as of late, so for me this is medicinal. Time to smash on these vocalz.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

206 proof aaaaannnd I'm out.

I always laughed at the motto "No. Hate. Stay. On. Your. Grind." For Because everywhere I turn on that site it is nothing BUT hate. If you are not a part of the "Cool Crowd" then you get laughed at, picked on, and belittled by most people on the thread. I see people who hide behind "Aliases" or people who are scared to show them selves Throw racist slurs towards any artist with a light complexion. I have seen Anti Semitic Slurs towards "Christian Rappers" if you will simply because they don't agree with that persons faith. Or if people mock you or clown on you they expect you to just take it. Your not allowed to throw it back at them. If you do then the "Proofers" as they are called will make sure what ever career you were trying to establish ends in a fiery mess. Either that or they get more butt hurt than you do and take the snap personally and start whispering comments (Direct messages).

I have been on the Proof for about a year. I post fliers for my recent shows or start threads showcasing some music for an upcoming release. Mostly, I get ignored. But on occasion, I get clowned on pretty harshly.

I'm one who would rather work with you than against you. I will support your albums, I will go to your shows. I will try to get you on my album. But when these artists on the proof disrespects me when I did nothing to you, I will lose all respect for you. This has been the case with many on the proof.

I have seen them utterly destroy K.R.U.E. who declared all out war against Grynch (I personally thought that was the dumbest thing for K.R.U.E. to do. go N over a car song. SMH). I saw proofers welcome Sado Slim to Seattle by Showing him the door. (He said some pretty dumb stuff in his introduction and it was like blood in the water to a school of Great Whites). I have seen them try to smash Petty-P (In his instance, The Proofers tried to clown him and He was just throwing it back at them. the whole proof got on him). Most recently, I saw them go at it with Nickels. (His thing started on twitter and it carried over to the proof). I made the mistake of trying to play mediator or peace keeper. and I got burned for it. A few people (Not name dropping) really said some stuff to me that got me mad and I attacked back. I apologized but when I didn't get one back I snapped on dude again. That was such a dumb thing to do. I should have just left it alone. So I made a decision to just stay off of that site. I get angry and my wife and kids can tell that I am not in a good state of mind. Why because of what some cowardly aliases say to me?

10 years ago prior to my conversion to Christianity, I was one who would have got the goons together and went looking for the person bad mouthing me. I would have laced a hurtful dis track (I was a battle MC and I was really good at making people look dumb). Trust me, it would have gotten ugly. I am glad I am not that person anymore. I read on the proof that "Rappers who profess there Christianity, or try to spread the message run the risk of looking fake (Paraphrased)" That is the farthest thing from me that could ever be possible. I have never ever professed to be perfect. My life is better now, but I am far from perfect. I make some pretty stupid mistakes and I am not afraid or too proud to live up to and take ownership in them. My songs never make me out to be some saint. On Prawdukt I talk about still being poor, but being sober so I can watch my kids grow up. Glory to God. I talk about trying to let go of drama and give it to God. Doesn't mean it no longer hurts. It does not mean I do not get angry. I talk about being beaten down spiritually but not giving up my fight to just live a healthy lifestyle. What is so wrong with that? How does that make me "Fake"? I am transparent. Ask me about my life and I will tell you.

My album "Prawdukt" was only meant as a testament on how my relationship with God made MY life better. If you don't feel that, then fine. But if you knew me prior to Feb of 2001 you would understand what I had been through and respect  the album. But the journalists, artists, promoters etc on the proof don't know, or don't care.

Anyway, I need to get back to what IS important to my life. God, Family, Music. In that order. I can't let hateful words from people on the proof get me mad. I lose focus. I am not going to shove my faith down any ones throats. No more "casting pearls before the swine". Because it doesn't matter how good my music is or what ever, because I will never fit into that crowd. SO.....

I say goodbye to 206 proof. I just want to add this suggestion. Change your motto to "All. Hate. Stay. Off. Your. Grind" (AHSOYG). Peace I'm ouuuutttt.

Oh yeah, and God Bless. LOL